I had to go and look it up. It's WB Yeats
The Second Coming
"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."
The world is falling apart - and it is really falling apart. The idols feet of clay have been revealed. So many idols, so far to fall... It's worth looking up Daniel 31-33.
And yet, my dog looks at me with those adoring, watchful eyes. She doesn't care if I have money - or not, if I'm fashionable - or not, if I'm intelligent - or not, even if I'm kind - or not.
She just loves me, and because she trusts me totally, I'm captivated. I could no more let her suffer for an instant than I could stick a knife in my own eye.
All these greed-driven people who have brought the world to this pass, I'm sure that most if not all of them have dogs, and children, and partners who love them. What is it that brings people from innocence to corruption?
I'm sure that nobody sets out in life to be voracious. That's what hunger does to you. Hunger is caused by a lack of resources. If your perception of the world is that you lack resources, hunger builds, you become voracious. Even if the resources are there - but the perception is that they are not - then the animal instinct is to gorge and gorge.
Is that what happened? Is the predatory instinct so strong that it shows through the behavioural niceties that we call 'society'? Animals have a pecking order. I have a horrible sinking feeling that this chaos is a consequence of the falling apart of the old pecking order. Are we feeling the unforeseen birth-pangs of a meritocracy, and where will that lead us?
Geez, my head hurts... time for this worm to go.
Especially having mentioned
THE P WORD (ie. peck)

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